Cambodia Basic English Series
Ref: NIRV. Slideshow available
1. There is Only One God.
4:6. There
is one God and Father of all. He is over everything. He is through everything.
He is in everything.
Deuteronomy 6:4.
Israel, listen to me. The Lord
is our God. The Lord
is the one and only God.
2. Why it is Important to Know about
God is able to
give us peace and happiness. He also wants us to live forever. To receive these
things we need to learn about the one true God in the Bible. John 17:3. “And what is eternal life? It is
knowing you, the only true God, and Jesus
Christ, whom you have sent.”
45:5-6. I am the Lord.
There is no other Lord. I am the
one and only God. You do not know anything about me. But I will make you
strong.6 Then people will know there is no God but me. Everyone from
where the sun rises in the east to where it sets in the west will know it. I am
the Lord. There is no other Lord.
3. God Has a Plan.
God has
made the world and everything in it. He has a plan. His purpose is to set up a
Kingdom on the earth.
Daniel 2:44. … the
God of heaven will set up a kingdom. It will never be destroyed. And no other
nation will ever take it over. It will crush all of those other kingdoms. It
will bring them to an end. But it will last forever.
will know God and the whole earth will reflect His purpose.
Habakkuk 2:14. The
oceans are full of water.
In the same way, the
earth will be filled with the knowledge of my glory.
God Has a Character of Mercy,
Love and Truth
God is a God of love, who wants to save people. He will
punish people who are corrupt, violent and do not follow His ways. People who
follow God’s ways can find peace. It is also important for us to learn about
Him so that we can please Him in the way we think, feel and act.
Exodus 34:6-7 As
he passed in front of Moses, he called out. He said, “I am the Lord,
the Lord.
I am a God who is tender and kind. I am gracious. I am slow to get angry. I am
faithful and full of love. 7 I continue
to show my love to thousands of people. I forgive those who do evil. I forgive
those who refuse to obey. And I forgive those who sin. But I do not let guilty
people go without punishing them. I punish the children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren for the sin of their parents.”
5. God is the Creator.
Genesis 1:1. “In the beginning, God created the
heavens and the earth”
on the earth and in the sky shows us God's power.
Revelation 4:11.
“You are worthy, our Lord and God!
You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power. You are worthy because you created all things. They were created and they exist. That is
the way you planned it.”
God looks after everything. He even knows
when a bird falls to the ground.
10:29. “Aren’t
two sparrows sold for only a penny? But not one of them falls to the ground
without your Father knowing it.”
He knows the number of hairs on our head.
Luke 12:7. In fact, he even counts every hair on your head!
So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.
1 6. God Has No Beginning and No
2. God has always been and always will be. He will never die.
90:2 Before
the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from
everlasting to everlasting you are God.
7. God is All Powerful.
There is
no limit to God’s power.
Isaiah 40:28. Don’t
you know who made everything? Haven’t
you heard about him? The Lord is the God
who lives forever. He created everything on earth. He
won’t become worn out or get tired. No one will ever
know how great his understanding is. God knows everything – He even
knows our thoughts …
Psalm 139:1-4. Lord,
you have seen what is in my heart. You know
all about me. 2 You know when I sit down and
when I get up. You know what I’m thinking even though
you are far away. 3 You know when I go out
to work and when I come back home. You know exactly how
I live. 4 Lord, even
before I speak a word, you know all about it.
8. God Lives in Heaven but is Everywhere.
The Bible
talks about heaven as God's throne and where He lives.
Isaiah 66:1. The
says, “Heaven is my throne. The earth is under my control. So how could you
ever build a house for me? Where would my resting place be?
Even though God lives in heaven, He is also present
Psalm 139:8. If I go up to the heavens,
you are there. If I lie down in the
deepest parts of the earth, you are also there.
9. God’s Plan for Us.
God wants
us to be like Him.
1 Peter 1:16. It
is written, “Be holy, because I am holy.” If we are
like Him now, we will be like Him forever.
John 3:1-3.
How great is the love the Father has
given us so freely! Now we can be called children of God. And that’s what we
really are! The world doesn’t know us because it didn’t know him. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God. He
still hasn’t let us know what we will be. But we know that when Christ appears,
we will be like him. We will see him as he really is. 3 He is pure.
All who hope to be like him make themselves pure.
recommend that candidates study Learn to Read the Bible Effectively and God’s
Plan With Man (Cambodia friendly versions) before
preparing for baptism. Slideshows and translated
versions of these are also available. See Lessons 13 and 14:
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