Thursday, October 27, 2016


                                         PROMISES TO ABRAHAM             11/50
   Cambodia Basic English Series
Ref: NIRV.  Slideshow available

1.          God's Promises to Abraham.
Abraham was a man who had great faith in God. God could trust Abraham to follow His plan and promised him many children. God also promised him that they would also grow into a great nation.
Genesis 13:16. “I will make your children like the dust of the earth. Can dust be counted? If it can, then your children can be counted.
Genesis 15:5. The Lord took Abram outside and said, “Look up at the sky. Count the stars, if you can.” Then he said to him, “That is how many children you will have.”
God told Abraham that he would bless him and people who followed his example. By remaining faithful Abraham showed God’s love to the whole world. By studying the Bible we can understand that God’s promises to Abraham apply to the past, present and future.
To be blessed by God means to live a life filled with love, joy, peace and contentment. This life includes sharing these things with others. God also told Abraham that people and nations who lived in peace with him would also be blessed.

Genesis 12:2. “I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you. I will make your name great. You will be a blessing to others.
1.             Abraham to become a great nation.
2.             God would bless Abraham.
3.             All people in the earth will know that God’s blessings have come through Abraham.
4.             God will bless people and nations who are faithful to Him. 

2.   Abraham is the Father of the Jewish and Arab Peoples.
Genesis. 18:19-20. “I have chosen him. He must direct his children. He must see that the members of his family after him live the way I want them to. So he must direct them to do what is right and fair. Then I, the Lord, will do for Abraham what I have promised him.” 

3.   Abraham is Also Father of All the Faithful.
All people who are like Abraham and are loyal to the one true God are called the children of Abraham. By having the same strong faith in God's promises we can share in the blessings promised to him.
Galatians 3:7,29 7So you see, those who have faith are children of Abraham.
29You who belong to Christ are Abraham’s seed. You will receive what God has promised.
Abraham was told that he would be given all the land that he could see.
 Genesis 13:15. I will give you all of the land that you see. I will give it to you and your children after you forever.
Abraham died without receiving this promise.
Acts 7:5. God didn’t give him any property here. He didn’t give him even a foot of land. But God made a promise to him and to all his family after him. He said they would possess the land. The promise was made even though at that time Abraham had no child. 
God never lies.

Titus 1:2. Faith and understanding rest on the hope of eternal life. Before time began, God promised to give that life. And he does not lie.

In the future God will raise Abraham and all of his children from the dead to inherit the land promised to him.
Galatians 3:7-9. Long ago, Scripture knew that God would make non-Jews right with himself by believing in him. He announced the good news ahead of time to Abraham. He said, “All nations will be blessed because of you.” 9 So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham. He was the man of faith.
The promises were also given to Abraham’s son Isaac and then to Jacob.
Genesis 26:2-4. The Lord appeared to Isaac. He said, “Do not go down to Egypt. Live in the land where I tell you to live. 3 Stay here for a while. I will be with you and give you my blessing. I will give all of these lands to you and your children after you. And I will keep the promise I made with an oath to your father Abraham. 4 I will make your children after you as many as the stars in the sky. And I will give them all these lands. All nations on earth will be blessed because of your children.
Genesis 28: 13-15. The Lord stood above the stairway. He said, “I am the Lord. I am the God of your grandfather Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your children after you the land on which you are lying. 14 They will be like the dust of the earth that can’t be counted. They will spread out to the west and to the east. They will spread out to the north and to the south. All nations on earth will be blessed because of you and your children after you.
4.   Jesus Christ, the Promised Descendant.
Jesus Christ was the most faithful man who ever lived. He died without ever sinning. 

Galatians 3:29. You who belong to Christ are Abraham’s seed. You will receive what God has promised.
This will happen when Jesus comes back to the earth to set up God's Kingdom. Abraham lies in the ground waiting to be raised with all of the faithful and given his promised inheritance. By being baptised into Jesus and having the faith of Abraham, we too can be raised from the dead and be given eternal life on the earth.

Cain Abel



We recommend that candidates study Learn to Read the Bible Effectively and God’s Plan With Man (Cambodia friendly versions) before preparing for baptism. Slideshows and translated versions of these are also available. See Lessons 13 and 14: Maps.

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